8 podcasts to spark your creativity
As a creative freelancer you might feel a bit alone at times. For me it works really well to listen to other creatives!
I don’t listen to anything while I do thinking work but when I’m doing line work or colouring, I love to listen to a good podcast. Occasionally I get the question what podcasts I recommend so I have compiled a list with my own personal favourites. It’s mainly focused on illustrations, just so you know 😉 I hope you like them too!
1. Creative Pep Talk
Although this podcast is, to me, a bit all over the place and messy, it is really nice if you’re in a creative rut and need to have some positive pep talk. Andy J. Miller’s enthusiasm is contagious, so give it a try!
This podcast aims to help you build a thriving creative career, and delivers wonderful interviews with the most popular artists/illustrators.
2. Art for your ear
If you’re into fine art and getting inspired, subscribe to this podcast. I have been following The Jealous Curator for years now (stalker alert!) and she never disappoints me.
This podcast brings you stories from some of Danielle Krysa’s favourite contemporary artists. An inside-scoop stories from the artsiest people!
3. Arrest all mimics
This is a visual arts show hosted by Ben Tallon and supported by The Association Of Illustrators. It brings stories behind creative businesses and interviews with creatives. I very much enjoy the interviews in this podcast and its nice pace.
4. The Oatley Academy ArtCast
I love how Chris Oatley looks at the creative business. If you haven’t listened to it, listen to his talk with Noah Bradley. It’s so inspiring and it might make you change your mind about how you approach your own creative business.
It’s filled with artistic insight and career advice from the most inspiring voices in Animation, Games, Illustration, VFX, Comics and Children’s Books.
5. Escape from illustration island
This podcast is the critically-acclaimed audio podcast featuring conversations with illustrators, art directors, art reps and other creative professionals. Very intriguing, honest interviews!
6. This American life
Not specifically about creative business but if you’re not listening to this show already, do it now. It will make your life better. I promise.
This American Life is a weekly public radio show. It is hosted by Ira Glass and has won all of the major broadcasting awards.
Podcasts that have stopped but still are worth listening to
7. Make it then tell everybody
My absolute favourite ever, although it has stopped. Totally worth to listen to the old podcasts though, by the wonderful Dan Berry. A series of interviews with inspiring comic creators. If you like telling stories with a narrative, this one is for you!
8. Makers
Although this podcast has stopped airing, I absolutely love the interviews. There are only 10 so very do-able!
Makers is a new podcast and interview series by Crew that will give you an inside look at the unexpected life moments that impacted today’s most influential and experimental makers. Everyone from top designers to authors to architects will share the special moments that changed their lives.
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All text and images © Marloes De Vries