Ask Marloes

Remember those ‘Dear Annie’-type of advice columns? Well, this is something like that but for freelancing, illustration and art.

Have a question about art or life that you’re eager to get answered? Want to hear the honest truth about being an illustrator/artist? Ask your question here. Do check my FAQ first to see if I’ve already answered your question.

Keep an eye on my newsletter to see if your question gets an answer, which will be posted on my blog.

    • Please note that not all questions will get answers.
    • Answers will be published in my newsletter and/or blog. Responses will not be send through email.
    • By clicking ‘send’ you agree that your question might get published (in shortened form) in the newsletter and/or on the blog.
    • Want a more elaborate 1-to-1 session with me? Keep an eye on my newsletter for mentoring sessions.

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    Note from Marloes

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